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Victoria Troyer

Catching Up with Victoria Troyer!

Hello Bethany Mennonite Church,

It's crazy to think it's been over seven years since attending church with you all. There are likely some of you who do not know me or have never met me. My name is Victoria Troyer, I'm Wayne & Betty Jean's daughter. I am currently living in Canon City, CO serving with New Horizons Ministries. Since moving out in 2013 I've held several positions within the ministry. When I moved out with dad & mom we lived in a childcare house caring for children whose mothers were incarcerated. During that time I volunteered at the Thrift Store which supports the ministry financially. After volunteering at the Thrift Store I became paid staff and managed the household table. When dad & mom felt called to move back to Ohio, I decided to stay. Before leaving, dad & mom helped me move to Oasis Park, a trailer park owned by the ministry.

I'm still living there. After working at the Thrift Store for three years I was asked to teach school. The school was started by the church that I attend regularly, Skyline Mennonite Church. I taught K-4 for one year. I learned a lot during that year, but it was a difficult year. I said no to teaching the next year and went back to the Thrift Store for 6 months, until I was asked to be the secretary for the mission's main office. I am still working in the office, but my title has changed to CFO Assistant.

I really enjoy my job, working with numbers (thanks Bernita Beachy😉), making operations behind the scene run smoothly and the interactions with my coworkers!

I want to be faithful no matter how long I am here, I love Colorado, the scenery, the community, the friends I've made, but Colorado sure is a long way from home!! I miss my family a lot and feel my heart torn in two different places. Would welcome prayers for clear direction in when or if I should move back home!!

A few other things you can pray with me for are: 1) My roomie of 5 years will be getting married in September, that brings a lot of change and adjusting to a new roommate. 2) I am in need of a new vehicle. My current one is giving me issues and needs to be replaced. Wisdom on when and what to buy!

Feel free to stop by Canon City if you're ever in Colorado. I love to see family and friends from back home!! Thank you for your prayers and support, Victoria Troyer

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