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Sam Coblentz

Until Christ is Formed in You

I pray you are aware of God’s presence in your life this week! I am grateful for his faithfulness, especially the ways he has shown that to the Youth Group and leaders on their trip to Denver. I am confident that he is using the difficult things they have experienced in that shaping process that brings him great glory. Please keep remembering to pray for the youth and their leaders!

I invite you to reflect back on the passage in I Peter that we spent time together in on Sunday. Peter communicated a sense of urgency for the Divine Power of Christ to continue the process of forming the character and nature of Christ in his followers. Paul expressed similar urgency in Galatians 4:19 when he said, “ My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you."

Perhaps we confuse our work for Christ and his kingdom with our specific calling. I have come to believe that our work is not preaching or teaching or serving, the actions that come out of our spiritual giftings. Rather, our work is the adding and formation of the character of Christ in us. Without the continuing growth of his nature in us, we remain “ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."

When Christ is alive in us, our specific roles of ministry and our daily interactions with our spouses and families as well as our co-workers and those who have not yet believed in the good news becomes alive and effective. I remind you today that His Divine Power has supplied everything you need to keep adding to your faith GOODNESS, KNOWLEDGE, SELF-CONTROL, PERSEVERANCE, GOD-CENTEREDNESS, TENDERNESS, AND LOVE.

I pray that as you read this, you remember that it’s not about you getting everything right and attempting to become perfect in your strength. I pray that you are drawn to his GREAT and PRECIOUS PROMISES, and your faith in Him is renewed, trust that He supplies the energy and the inspiration to persevere In this high calling: To become like Jesus and to bring him glory on the earth.

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